
Entel Digital

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Entel is a leading technology and telecommunications company with operations in Chile and Peru, markets in which it has more than 18.2 million mobile subscribers.

In Chile, it offers mobile telephony services and integrated fixed network operations for data, voice, IT/digital, Internet and related services for individuals, companies, corporations and wholesalers. In Peru, through subsidiaries, it provides mobile telephony services and a range of fixed services for companies. In both countries, it provides call center services.

Digital Transformation


  • Transform Entel into a 100% digital company
  • Customer-driven Program Management (with decision-maker roles)
  • Digital Transformation to re-define business and operational process to improve CX, speed up TTM, and optimize the operational efficiency (Real time, seamless, paperless and peopleless)
  • Drive a multi-country, multi-cultural transformation project fulling impacting ways of work, minds, and system mapping
  • Configure, integrate and deploy multiple market products
  • Implement and Deploy in parallel, the solutions for Mobile and Fixed B2C business.
Digital company


Billing and Charging systems architecture was designed and implemented focusing on performance and simple configuration, reducing the systemic configurations to a bare minimum. This as been possible due to the centralized catalog, developed by Readiness IT.

Using Ericsson Catalog Manager (ECM), as master catalog with new Agile capabilities for easy and fast product, services and offers creation with E2E propagation, allowing Entel not only to respond to competition campaigns in an extraordinary fast amount of time but also to innovate with game-changing offers, months before their competitors, leveraging the marketing & sales capabilities through a full managed PLM process.

With the PLM capability built in during the implementation of this project, every new product can be configured with its pre-configured end time but also discontinuing any product can be done as easy as a simple configuration.

In addition, Readiness IT deployed, a Omnichannel solution and strategy created a seamless experience between different channels, meaning that the customer would have access to see and buy any product, offer or campaign, from any channel or start his interaction in one channel and end it in another.


  • Deployments accordingly with the planned dates
    • Mobile Prepaid live in 2017 in Chile and 2018 in Peru
    • Mobile Postpaid live in 2018 in Chile and 2019 in Peru
    • B2C Fiber Offers and Triple play (TV + NET + Voice) live in 2020 in Chile and Peru
  • Compliance with the Telco and TMForum standards
  • Successful migration of over 12 Million customers
  • Development of an Omnichannel Platform
  • Development of a customer dashboard with a 360º view in just one screen
  • Time-to-market reduced from 1 month to 1-3 days
  • Offers and Refills provision in real-time
  • Reduction of customer support time and manual operations
  • Automatic and fast dunning processes & automatic error handling
  • Accurate online customer credit score evaluation
  • Fraud detection in near real time
  • Executions time reduced in 99%
  • Easy and simple system maintenance

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